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Estonian Ambassador to Montenegro Presents Credentials


No. 214-E

On Monday, 13 June, Estonia’s new ambassador to Montenegro Tiina Intelmann presented her credentials to President of Montenegro Filip Vujanović. The ambassador resides in Tel Aviv.

In the conversation that followed the presenting of credentials, Ambassador Intelmann and President Vujanović discussed Estonia-Montenegro bilateral relations. President of Montenegro Vujanović recalled that exactly five years ago Estonia was the first country in the world to establish diplomatic ties with Montenegro. Ambassador Intelmann noted that Estonia would like to intensify its bilateral ties with Montenegro. “For example, there is room to increase reciprocal trade as well as investments. We would like to find opportunities to develop direct contacts between the entrepreneurs of the two countries,” she stated. The ambassador added that Estonia is also interested in expanding the treaty base between the countries and continuing with the defence-related co-operation that is already going on.

During the meeting they also spoke about Montenegro’s integration with the European Union and NATO. Ambassador Intelmann stated that Estonia supports the beginning of accession negotiations with Montenegro after the country has fulfilled the European Commission’s recommendations. “The recommendations are first and foremost tied to increasing the transparency of the public sector, the autonomy of the courts and media, and the fight against corruption and organised crime,” she explained. Intelmann also confirmed that Estonia remains ready to work together with Montenegro and share its integration experiences. “We are prepared to share our experiences in the information technology sector, among others. For example, we can offer up our know-how in implementing information technology solutions in state and local government work, and provide our expert advice in creating national databases,” said Intelmann.

Estonian Ambassador Tiina Intelmann was born in Tallinn in 1963. She graduated from Leningrad State University with a degree in Italian and French. Intelmann entered the foreign service in 1991, when she worked in the Foreign Ministry’s Western Europe department. From 1995-1998 she worked in the permanent representation to the UN, and after that she was the director of the 4th division of the political department. Until 2002 Intelmann was the Estonian ambassador to the OSCE in Vienna. From 2003-2005 Tiina Intelmann was the Foreign Ministry undersecretary for political and press affairs. Starting in 2005 Intelmann worked as the Estonian ambassador to the UN in New York. Currently Tiina Intelmann is also the Estonian ambassador to Israel.

Ambassador Intelmann speaks English, Italian, French, and Russian.


+372 637 7654



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