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Croatian President Ivo Josipović to Visit Estonia


President of Croatia Prof. Ivo Josipović and his spouse will be in Estonia for an official visit from 25-26 May.

Meetings are scheduled with President of the Republic Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Riigikogu Speaker Ene Ergma, and Prime Minister Andrus Ansip. During his visit President Josipović will also visit the NATO Cyber Defence Centre and the ICT Demo Centre.

Croatia’s accession negotiations with the European Union will be discussed during the visit. Other topics will include bilateral relations, Estonia’s experiences as an EU member, developments in the Western Balkans, and current issues regarding the Middle East and Northern Africa.

The president’s spouse Prof. Tatjana Josipović will visit the KUMU Art Museum and Kalev Chocolate Factory. The presidential couple will also visit the Estonia Piano Factory and take a tour of Tallinn’s Old Town led by Jüri Kuuskemaa.

Attention journalists interested in covering the visit!

Journalists, photographers and camera operators interested in covering the visit should be accredited no later than Wednesday, 25 May at 12.00. Accreditation can be done electronically at the address

Press cards will be available as of 15.00 on 25 May from the desk at the guest entrance of the Foreign Ministry at Lauteri 2.

Please specify exactly which event(s) you would like to cover!

Thursday, 26 May

10.00 Official welcoming ceremony at Kadriorg
(A.Weizenbergi 39)
TV, photo – We ask that you arrive no later than 09.45

10.30 Meeting of presidents and delegations
(A.Weizenbergi 39)
TV, photo – first moments of the event. Please arrive no later than 10.15

11.00 Presidents meet with the press
(A. Weizenbergi 39)
Language: English
We ask that journalists arrive no later than 10.45

13.50 Tour of Tallinn’s Old Town led by Jüri Kuuskemaa
(Start from the House of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads, Pikk 26)
TV, photo – We ask that you arrive no later than 13.40.

14.40 Visit to Estonia Piano Factory
(Kungla 41)
TV, photo – We ask that you arrive no later than 14.30

15.40 Visit to the NATO Cyber Defence Centre
(Filtri tee 12)
TV, photo – first moments of the event. Please arrive no later than 15.30

16.30 Meeting with Riigikogu Speaker Ene Ergma
(Lossi plats 1A)
TV, photo – first moments of the event. Please arrive no later than 16.15.

17.15 Visit to the ICT Demo Centre
(Lõõtsa 8)
TV, photo – We ask that you arrive no later than 17.00.

Programme of Mrs. Tatjana Josipović

Thursday, 26 May

10.35 Visit to KUMU Art Museum
(Weizenbergi 34/Valge 1)
TV, photo – first moments of the event. Please arrive no later than 10.20.

14.50 Visit to Kalev Chocolate Factory
(Põrguvälja tee 6, Rae vald)
TV, photo – first moments of the event. Please arrive no later than 14.40.

15.50 Visit to department of law at Tartu University in Tallinn
(Kaarli pst 3)
TV, photo – first moments of the event. Please arrive no later than 15.40.


+372 637 7600



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