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Estonia’s First Ambassador to Kuwait Presents Credentials


No. 180-E

On Tuesday, 17 May, Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia Andre Pung presented his credentials to Amir of the State of Kuwait Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. Pung is the first Estonian ambassador to a country on the Arabian Peninsula. The appointment of an ambassador is an important step towards intensifying relations with all the countries of the Persian Gulf region.

In the conversation that followed the presenting of credentials, Ambassador Andre Pung and Amir Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah discussed Estonia-Kuwait bilateral relations. Ambassador Pung recalled the Estonian president’s state visit to Kuwait in 1994 and invited Amir Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to come visit Estonia.

Ambassador Pung stated that in Kuwait, Estonia is known as a high-tech country with a lot to teach others. “To Kuwait, for example, we can offer our experiences in the area of digitalising public services,” said Pung. The ambassador added that Kuwaiti investors are interested in investing in Estonia. For example, opportunities are being sought for co-operation in the ICT and energy sectors. The ambassador said that economic relations between Estonia and Kuwait could be strengthened by expanding the agreement base. “We have made a proposal to Kuwait to begin negotiations for an agreement on the protection of reciprocal investments,” Pung stated.

During their meeting, the two also talked about Estonia and Kuwait’s co-operation within international organisations. They also spoke about developments in the Persian Gulf region in general and co-operation opportunities for the European Union with Persian Gulf countries.

Ambassador Andre Pung was born on 28 March 1970 in Tartu. He graduated from Tallinn University of Technology with a degree in apparatus-building. Andre Pung has worked in the Foreign Ministry since 1993, when he assumed a position in the ministry’s foreign economic policy department. From 1996-1999 Andre Pung was an economic diplomat at the Estonian Embassy in Riga and from 1999-2001 he was a division director in the Foreign Ministry’s foreign economic policy department. From 2001-2005 he worked as the Estonian consul general in St. Petersburg. From 2006-2010 Andre Pung was the Estonian ambassador to Ireland. Currently Andre Pung is the director general of the Foreign Ministry’s external economic and development co-operation department. The ambassador resides in Tallinn.

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