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Foreign Minister Urmas Paet: Success in Fight Against Cybercrime Requires Unified International Understanding


No 166-E

Today at a meeting of the Council of Europe foreign ministers held in Istanbul, Foreign Minister Urmas Paet said that the Council of Europe’s Convention on Cybercrime approved ten years ago is the only functioning international instrument in the world for preventing cybercrime.

Paet stated that in order to fight against cybercrime we need for the international understanding of the problem to be as unified as possible, and countries need to be ready to fight against cybercrime. “The Council of Europe’s convention is open for other countries of the world to join, and some of them have already taken advantage of this opportunity. However, this group of countries should become much larger,” he added.

Paet said that Estonia supported the approval of the Convention on Cybercrime from the very beginning and in the ensuing years has continued to support the fight against cybercrime. “For example, we just recently contributed 10 000 euros to the Council of Europe’s project to introduce the convention across the globe and help nations to join,” he added.

At the Council of Europe meeting, Paet also spoke about the conflict in Georgia. “The peaceful resolution of the Georgian conflict and ensuring the basic human rights of its victims is the very litmus test of the Council of Europe’s credibility and political will,” he noted. Paet added that the Geneva talks must continue with full respect for the principle of Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Estonian foreign minister also expressed support for the development of a Council of Europe neighbourhood policy. “The goal would be to review relations with our neighbours while taking into account the differences between all the individual partner countries,” he stated.



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